

ラカンの“il y a”とハイデガーの “es gibt”














幼児型記憶は内容こそ消去されたが、幼児型記憶のシステム自体は残存し、外傷的体験の際に顕在化して働くという仮説は、両者の明白な類似性からして、確度が高いと私は考える。(中井久夫「発達的記憶論」『徴候・記憶・外傷』所収 53頁)



他方ラカンの「サントーム」セミネールに、”un corps qui nous est étranger”とあるが、これは「異物としての身体Fremdkörper」のことだろう。

l'inconscient n'a rien à faire avec le fait qu'on ignore des tas de choses quan qu'on sait est d'une toute autre nature. On sait des choses qui relèvent du signifiant. (...) Mais l'inconscient de Freud (...) c'est le rapport qu'il y a entre un corps qui nous est étranger et quelque chose qui fait cercle, voire droite infinie - qui de toutes façons sont l'un à l'autre équivalents - quelque chose qui est l'inconscient." (Seminar XXIII, Joyce - le sinthome, lesson of 11th May 1976


Fremdkörper, a foreign body present in the inside but foreign to this inside. The Real ex-sists within the articulated Symbolic.(Paul Verhaeghe "Mind your Body ")


中井久夫は、ツェランを語りつつ、ラカンの“il y a”やハイデガーの “es gibt”の次元をめぐって語っているのではないだろうか、--とするには、わたくしはハイデガーについてまったく無知である。

…… 境界例や外傷性神経症の多くが自由連想に馴染まないのは、自由連想は物語をつむぐ成人型の記憶に適した方法だからだと私は考えている。いや、つむがせる方法である。この点から考えると、フロイトが自由連想法を採用したことと幼児期外傷の信憑性に疑問を持ったこととは関係があるかもしれない。語りにならば、それはウソくさくなったかもしれないのである。(中井久夫「トラウマとその治療経験」『徴候・記憶・外傷』所収  p85)






英語では、be動詞は本来〈本質存在〉を表すときに使う。〈本質存在〉は「A is B」と表す。〈事実存在〉は「There is A」と表す。

ドイツ語やフランス語では、〈本質存在〉では〈sein〉や〈etre〉を使い、〈事実存在〉は〈es gibt---〉や〈il y a---〉と〈geben(与える)〉や〈avoir(持つ)〉を使う。


ジジェクは、jouissance féminine(女性の享楽)、あるいは〈他者〉の享楽について、女性の享楽は存在しない。が、”il y a de jouissance féminine”としている。そして、引き続き、ハイデガーのes gibtが言及されている。


what is totally missing in Heidegger is not only the dimension of the Real of jouissance, but, above all, the dimension of the “between‐two‐deaths” (the symbolic and the Real) which designates Antigone's subjective position after she is excommunicated from the polis by Creon

◆ジジェク『LESS THAN NOTHING』からのメモ。

when Lacan talks about jouissance féminine, he always qualifies it—“if a thing like that were to exist (but it does not)”—thereby confirming its incommensurability with the order of (symbolic) existence.68 Jouissance féminine does not exist, but il y a de jouissance féminine, “there is” feminine enjoyment. This il y a, like the German es gibt which plays such a key role in late Heidegger, is clearly opposed to existence (in English, the distinction gets blurred, since one cannot avoid the verb “to be” in translation). Jouissance is thus not a positive substance caught in the symbolic network, it is something that shines through only in the cracks and openings of the symbolic order—not because we, who dwell within that order, cannot regain it directly, but, more radically, because it is generated by the cracks and inconsistencies of the symbolic order itself.

We should be attentive here to the difference between the inexistence of jouissance féminine and the inexistence of a father who would fit its symbolic function. (“If there is no such father, it still remains true that the father is God, it is simply that this formula is confirmed only by the empty sector of the square.”)69 In the case of the father, we have a discrepancy between the symbolic function (of the Father) and the reality of individuals who never fit this function, while in the case of jouissance féminine, we have the Real of jouissance which eludes symbolization. In other words, in the first case, the gap is between reality and the symbolic, while in the second case, the gap is between the symbolic and the Real: miserable individuals called fathers exist, they just do not fit their symbolic function, which remains an “empty sector of the square”; but jouissance féminine, precisely, does not exist.

One standard definition of the Lacanian Real describes it as that which always returns to the same place, that which remains the same in all possible symbolic universes. This notion of the Real as a “hard core” that resists symbolization must be supplemented by its opposite: the Real is also a “pure appearance,” that which exists only when we look upon reality from a certain perspective—the moment we shift our point of view, the object disappears. What both extremes exclude in the standard notion of reality as something which resists in its In‐itself, but changes with regard to its properties: when we shift perspective, it appears different. However, these two opposed notions of reality can be thought together—if one bears in mind the crucial shift that takes place in Lacan’s teaching with regard to the Real. From the 1960s onwards, the Real is no longer that which remains the same in all symbolic universes; with regard to the common notion of reality, the Real is not the underlying sameness which persists through the multitude of different points of view on an object. The Real is, on the contrary, that which generates these differences, the elusive “hard core” that the multiple points of view try (and fail) to recapture. This is why the Real “at its purest” is the “pure appearance”: a difference which cannot be grounded in any real features of the object; a “pure” difference.


reality is the Real as domesticated—more or less awkwardly—by the symbolic; within this symbolic space, the Real returns as its cut, gap, point of impossibility(François Balmès, Ce que Lacan dit de l'être)――ジジェク『LESS THAN NOTHING』 より孫引きであり、邦訳は私訳