


ファルスの用語に関して、ラカンは、セミネールⅩⅩにて。ファルスを、シニフィアンとシニフィエ (S/s)のあいだの横棒と同じものとして扱っているのに注意しよう。

Regarding the term phallus, note that Lacan equates the phallus with the bar between the signifier and the signified (S/s) in Seminar XX (40/39). (Bruce Fink  “KNOWLEDGE AND JOUISSANCE ”)


For the time being, I will say that what I put forward last time as the function of the bar is not unrelated to the phallus. Seminar XX (40/39)

the function of the bar is not unrelated to the phallus》――すなわち、「横棒の機能はファルスと関係がないとことはない」、とでも訳せるか。フィンクのいうように、ファルスと横棒が同一視されているかは微妙なところだが、そうはいっても、ファルスが横棒と似たものだなどというのは、ラカンさん、またややこしいことを言ってくださる。


……with regard to the division between signifier and signified, the objet a is on the side of the signifier, it fills in the lack in/of the signifier, while the Master‐Signifier is the “quilting point” between the signifier and the signified, the point at which the signifier falls into the signified.

For Lacan, the phallic signifier is such a suturing element: Lacan's concept of the phallus is exemplary of the dialectic of the priority of lack over the element that fills it in—and, as Lacan points out, for a very precise reason (known to all Lacanians), the phallus is the very signifier of this lack:……

Insofar as the phallic Master‐Signifier is the point of the subject's symbolic identification, identification is ultimately always identification with a lack.(ZIZEK“LESS THAN NOTHING”)