


Zizek Connectionsof the Freudian Field to Philosophy and Popular Culture1995年のレクチャーから私意訳、すなわちいいかげん訳)

さて私の要点に戻ることにしよう、すなわち幻想(ファンタジー)に。もちろん、ラカンによってわれわれは知っているさ、究極的な幻想とは性関係の幻想だということを。だから、もちろん幻想の横断の方法は、ラカンが意味する「性関係がない」ことを詳述することだったわけだ。それはラカンの性の相違の理論化、いわゆる性別化の図式を通してのものだった。ここでの私のポイントは何だろう? それは次のようなものなのだ。ここでふつう気づかれていないことは、ラカンの断言、“La femme n'existe pas”――“〈女〉は存在しない”は、決して象徴的秩序の外にある言いようのない女性的なエッセンスのたぐいに言及しているのではないということだね。象徴秩序に統合されえない、言説の領域の彼岸にあるものでは決してないということだ。

Let me return now to my main point, which is fantasy. Of course, as we know from Lacan, the ultimate fantasy is the fantasy of sexual relationship. So, of course, the way to traverse the fantasy is to elaborate what Lacan means by saying there is no sexual relationship, that is to say, via Lacan's theorization of sexual difference, the so-called formulae of sexuation. What's my point here? My point is the following one. What is usually not perceived here is that Lacan's assertion, La femme n'existe pas - 'Woman does not exist', in no way refers to some kind of ineffable feminine essence outside the symbolic order, non-integrated into the symbolic order, beyond the domain of discourse.
私はラカンにぞっこん惚れこんでいるのは、きみたちは気づいているかどうか知らないが、ラカンのスタイルがまさにレーニン風だからだな。なんのことかわかるかい? まったく寸分ちがわない何か。きみたちはレーニン主義者をどのように認知してるのだろう? 典型的なレーニン主義者のひねりは、たとえば、誰かが「自由」と言ったとすると、彼らの問いは、「誰のための自由だい? 何をするための自由かい?」のたぐいだ。たとえば、ブルジョアが労働者を食い物にする自由とかね。君たちは気づいているだろうか? 『精神分析の倫理』にて、ラカンが「善」に対して、まさにほとんどおなじひねりを加えているのを。そうだよ、至高善についてね。だれの善なのか、なにをするための善なのか?等々とね。だから、ここでも、ラカンが“〈女〉は存在しない”と言うとき、同じようにレーニスト風にしなくちゃな。そしてこう問うべきだね、「どの女だって?」、「誰にとって女は存在しないんだい?」と。ふたたびここでのポイントは、女がふつう思われているような仕方、象徴秩序の内部に存在しないとか、象徴界に統合されるのに抵抗するとかではないことだ。私は言いたくなるね、これはほとんど正反対なんだと。

You know, what I like very much about Lacan is, I don't know if you notice this, he is very much a Leninist in his style. What do I mean? Something very precise. How do you recognize a true Leninist? The typical Leninist twist is that, for example, when somebody says 'freedom', the Leninist question is 'Freedom for whom? To do what?' That is to say, for example, freedom for the bourgeoisie to exploit workers, etc. Do you notice in The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, Lacan has almost the same twist apropos of 'the good'? Yes, supreme good, but whose good, to do what, etc? So here, I think, when Lacan says 'Woman does not exist' we must also do this Leninist tow, and ask ourselves, 'Which woman?', 'For whom does woman not exist?' And, again, the point is that it is not the way woman is usually conceived, which is that woman does not exist within the symbolic order, that woman somehow resists being integrated within the symbolic order. I am tempted to say it is almost the opposite.
To simplify things, I will first present my thesis. A lot of popular introductions, especially feminist introductions to Lacan, usually center only on this formula and say, 'Yes, not all of woman is integrated into the phallic order, so there is something in woman as if woman is with one leg within the phallic order, and with the other one in some kind of mystical feminine enjoyment, I don't know what'. My thesis, to simplify very much, is that the whole point of Lacan is precisely that since we cannot totalize woman there is no exception. So, in other words, I think that the ultimate example of male logic is precisely this notion of some feminine essence, eternally feminine, excluded outside the symbolic order, beyond. This is the ultimate male fantasy. And when Lacan says, 'Woman does not exist', I think precisely this ineffable, mysterious 'beyond', excluded from the symbolic order, is what does not exist. What do I mean by this?

わかるかい? といわれたって、わかるかい


◆Phallacies of binary reasoning: drive beyond gender(Paul Verhaeghe)


It seems as if woman stands for nature, drive, body, semiotic, and so on, and man for culture, symbolic, psyche, and so forth. Yet this is not confirmed by day-to-day experience, nor by clinical practice. Both feminine eroticism and feminine identity seem far more attracted to the symbolic than are their masculine counterparts. Biblically or not, woman conceives for the most part by the ear and is seduced by words. In contrast, an unmediated, drive-ridden sexuality seems much more characteristic of masculine eroticism, whether gay or straight.




All one should add here is that there is also a more literal reading of the jouissance féminine (……) the “non‐All” of the feminine implies that there is nothing in feminine subjectivity which is not marked by the phallic‐symbolic function: if anything, woman is more fully “in language” than man. Which is why any reference to pre‐symbolic “feminine substance” is misleading.





以下、再度ジジェクの『LESS THAN NOTHING』から、原文のまま付記する。

In short, what marks the difference between the two sexes is not a direct reference to the series of symbolic oppositions, but a different way of coping with the necessary inconsistency involved in the act of assuming one and the same universal symbolic feature (ultimately that of “castration”). It is not that man stands for logos as opposed to the feminine emphasis on emotions; it is rather that, for man, logos as the consistent and coherent universal principle of all reality relies on the constitutive exception of some mystical ineffable X (“there are things one should not talk about”), while, in the case of woman, there is no exception, “one can talk about everything,” and, for that very reason, the universe of logos becomes inconsistent, incoherent, dispersed, “non‐All.” Or, with regard to the assumption of a symbolic title, a man who tends to identify with his title absolutely, to put everything at stake for it (to die for his Cause), nonetheless relies on the myth that he is not only his title, the “social mask” he is wearing, that there is something beneath it, a “real person”; in the case of a woman, on the contrary, there is no firm, unconditional commitment, everything is ultimately a mask, and, for that very reason, there is nothing “behind the mask.” Or again, with regard to love: a man in love is ready to give everything for it, the beloved is elevated into an absolute, unconditional Object, but, for that very reason, he is compelled to sacrifice Her for the sake of his public or professional Cause; while a woman is entirely, without restraint or reserve, immersed in love, there is no dimension of her being which is not permeated by love—but, for that very reason, “love is not all” for her, it is forever accompanied by an uncanny fundamental indifference.
Sexual difference is thus real also in the sense that no symbolic opposition can directly and adequately render it. The real difference is not a difference between opposed symbolic features, but a difference between two types of opposition: a woman is essential to a man's sexual life, yet for that very reason he has a domain outside his sexual life which matters more to him; to a woman, sexuality tends to be the feature which permeates her entire life, there is nothing which—potentially, at least—is not sexualized, yet for that very reason a woman's sexuality involves much more that the presence of a man. The point, of course, is that this reversal is not purely symmetrical, but slightly displaced—and it is this displacement which points towards the Real of sexual difference. Again, the underlying structure here is that of Lacan's formulae of sexuation, the universality (a woman who is essential, all…) with an exception (career, public life) in man's case; the non‐universality (a man is not‐all in woman's sexual life) with no exception (there is nothing which is not sexualized) in woman's case.(ジジェク『LESS THAN NOTHING』)



日本の言説空間は、外からの原理による去勢を排除してしまった分裂病的な(いまなら「精神病的な」というだろう:引用者)空間であるといえるかもしれない。見かけの統合はなされているが、それは実は空虚な形式である。私は、こうした背景に、母系制(厳密には双系制)的なものの残存を見たいと思っている。それは、大陸的な父権的制度と思考を受け入れながらそれを「排除」するという姿勢の反復である。(柄谷行人「フーコーと日本」1992 『ヒューモアとしての唯物論』所収







Men are much more prone to use cyber-space as a masturbatory device for their lone playing, immersed in stupid, repetitive pleasure, while women are more prone to participate in chat rooms, using cyberspace for seductive exchanges of speech.

This example is crucial inso-far as it enables us to dispense with the standard misreading of Lacan, according to which jouissance feminine is a mystical beatitude beyond speech, exempted from the symbolic order—on the contrary, it is women who are immersed in the order of speech without exception.
