◆以下、ジジェク『LESS THAN NOTHING』から私テキトウ訳であり原文参照のこと(この文のいくつかの箇所は『身体なき器官』にもほとんど同じ文があったはず)。
ラカン派のドゥルーズの読解の手始めは、情け容赦ないダイレクトな読み替えだね。ドゥルーズとガタリが“欲望機械” (machines désirantes)について話しているときは、その語を欲動に置き換えるべきさ。ラカンの欲動――この“身体なき器官”による匿名の/無頭の不滅の反復への執拗さは、オイディプスの三角形とその禁圧的な法と違反の弁証法に先行しているものでね。――この欲動は、ドゥルーズが前オイディプスのノマド的な欲望の機械として境界線を引こうと試みたものと完全に一致するんだな。実際、セミネールⅩⅠの欲動に捧げられた章で、ラカン自身が、欲動の“機械的な”特質を強調しているからね、それに反有機的なanti‐organic性質、その人工的な要素やあるいは異質の成分からなる部分のモンタージュなどをね。
The starting point for a Lacanian reading of Deleuze should be a brutal and direct substitution: whenever Deleuze and Guattari talk about “desiring machines” (machines désirantes), we should replace this term with drive. The Lacanian drive—this anonymous/acephalous immortal insistence‐to‐repeat of an “organ without a body” which precedes the Oedipal triangulation and its dialectic of the prohibitory Law and its transgression—fits perfectly what Deleuze tries to circumscribe as the pre‐Oedipal nomadic machines of desire: in the chapter dedicated to the drive in his Seminar XI, Lacan himself emphasizes the “machinal” character of a drive, its anti‐organic nature of an artificial composite or montage of heterogeneous parts.76
However, this should be only the starting point. What immediately complicates the issue is the fact that, in this substitution, something gets lost: the very irreducible difference between drive and desire, the parallax nature of this difference which makes it impossible to deduce or generate one from the other.
いいかえれば、ラカンにとってまったく異質なのはドゥルーズの反-表象主義者としての欲望の概念だね。原初的な不断の変化primordial fluxとしての欲望、その流動自身が表象や抑圧の場面を創造するっていうヤツだな。これはまたドゥルーズが欲望の解放について語る理由なんだけどさ。表象主義者のフレームから解放する欲望のなんたらというのは、ラカンの地平ではまったく無意味だな。
In other words, what is totally foreign to Lacan is Deleuze’s anti‐representationalist notion of desire as the primordial flux which itself creates its scene of representation or repression. This is also why Deleuze talks about the liberation of desire, of liberating desire from its representationalist frame, something which is totally meaningless within Lacan’s horizon:
for Deleuze, desire at its purest stands for the free flow of the libido, while the Lacanian drive is constitutively marked by a basic insoluble deadlock—the drive is an impasse, which finds satisfaction (“passé”) in the very repetition of the impasse.
To put it in Deleuze’s own terms, his flux of desire is a BwO, a body without organs, while Lacan’s drive is an OwB, an organ without body. Desire is not a partial object, while the drive is such an object. As Deleuze emphasizes, what he is fighting against are not organs but organism, the articulation of a body into a hierarchical‐harmonious Whole of organs, each “in its place,” with its function: “the BwO is in no way the contrary of the organs. Its enemies are not organs. The enemy is the organism.”77
the drive is “transcendental,” its space is that of the fantasy which fills in the void of the lost primordial Object (Thing)(……).The Lacanian objet a as the object which overlaps with its loss, which emerges at the very moment of its loss (so that all its fantasmatic incarnations, from breast to voice and gaze, are metonymic figurations of the void, of nothing), remains within the horizon of desire—the true object‐cause of desire is the void filled in by its fantasmatic incarnations. While, as Lacan emphasizes, the objet a is also the object of the drive, the relationship is here thoroughly different: although, in both cases, the link between object and loss is crucial, in the case of the objet a as the object‐cause of desire, we have an object which is originally lost, which coincides with its own loss, which emerges as lost, while, in the case of the objet a as the object of the drive, the “object” is directly the loss itself—in the shift from desire to drive, we pass from the lost object to loss itself as an object. In other words, the weird movement called “drive” is not driven by the “impossible” quest for the lost object; it is a push to directly enact the “loss”—the gap, cut, distance—itself. There is thus a double distinction to be drawn here: not only between the objet a in its fantasmatic and post‐fantasmatic status, but also, within this post‐fantasmatic domain itself, between the lost object‐cause of desire and the object‐loss of the drive.
It is thus wrong to claim that the “pure” death drive would be the impossible “total” will to (self‐)destruction, an ecstatic self‐annihilation in which the subject would rejoin the fullness of the maternal Thing, but that this will is not realizable, that it gets blocked, stuck to a “partial object.” Such a notion retranslates the death drive into the terms of desire and its lost object: it is in desire that the positive object is a metonymic stand‐in for the void of the impossible Thing; it is in desire that the aspiration to fullness is transferred to partial objects—this is what Lacan called the metonymy of desire. We have to be very precise here in order not to miss Lacan's point (and thereby confuse desire and drive):
the drive is not an infinite longing for the Thing which gets fixated onto a partial object—the “drive” is this fixation itself in which resides the “death” dimension of every drive. The drive is not a universal thrust (towards the incestuous Thing) checked and broken up, it is this brake itself, a brake on instinct, its “stuckness,” as Eric Santner would put it.
The elementary matrix of the drive is not that of transcending all particular objects towards the void of the Thing (which is then accessible only in its metonymic stand‐in), but that of our libido getting “stuck” onto a particular object, condemned to circulate around it forever.
というわけで、すなわちいままで見てきたとおり、欲動の概念は二者択一、〈モノ〉によって燃え尽きるとか、あるいは安全な距離を維持するのどっちかなんての嘘っぱちさ。欲動においては、〈モノそれ自体〉が空虚のまわりを旋回することなのさ。(ちょっと待てよ、空虚というより、穴だな)。――(意訳者:なんだろうねえ、この言い換え。一般的にはManqué(Lack)欠如 →象徴界、vide(void) 空虚 →現実界 、trou(hole) 穴 → 想像界なんだが、これが正しいとすると現実界の空虚から想像界の穴に言い換えているんだよな)
Consequently, as we have seen, the concept of drive makes the alternative “either get burned by the Thing or maintain a safe distance” false: in a drive, the “Thing itself” is a circulation around the void (or, rather, hole, not void).
To put it even more pointedly, the object of the drive is not related to the Thing as a filler of its void: the drive is literally a counter‐movement to desire, it does not strive towards impossible fullness and, being forced to renounce it, get stuck onto a partial object as its remainder—the drive is quite literally the very “drive” to break the All of continuity in which we are embedded, to introduce a radical imbalance into it, and the difference between drive and desire is precisely that, in desire, this cut, this fixation onto a partial object, is as it were “transcendentalized,” transposed into a stand‐in for the void of the Thing.